Today it is clear sky in Columbus

7 Day Forecast In Columbus

  • 03:00
    clear sky - 20°
    Humidity - 64%
  • 04:00
    clear sky - 19°
    Humidity - 63%
  • 05:00
    clear sky - 19°
    Humidity - 67%
  • 06:00
    clear sky - 18°
    Humidity - 70%
  • 07:00
    clear sky - 17°
    Humidity - 72%
  • 08:00
    clear sky - 16°
    Humidity - 73%
  • 09:00
    clear sky - 16°
    Humidity - 74%
  • 10:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 75%
  • 11:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 76%
  • 12:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 75%
  • 13:00
    clear sky - 17°
    Humidity - 68%
  • 14:00
    clear sky - 20°
    Humidity - 59%
  • 15:00
    clear sky - 22°
    Humidity - 51%
  • 16:00
    clear sky - 25°
    Humidity - 45%
  • 17:00
    clear sky - 27°
    Humidity - 40%
  • 18:00
    clear sky - 28°
    Humidity - 36%
  • 19:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 20:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 32%
  • 21:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 32%
  • 22:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 32%
  • 23:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 00:00
    clear sky - 28°
    Humidity - 38%
  • 01:00
    clear sky - 26°
    Humidity - 50%
  • 02:00
    overcast clouds - 24°
    Humidity - 53%
  • 03:00
    overcast clouds - 23°
    Humidity - 55%
  • 04:00
    overcast clouds - 22°
    Humidity - 58%
  • 05:00
    overcast clouds - 21°
    Humidity - 60%
  • 06:00
    overcast clouds - 21°
    Humidity - 62%
  • 07:00
    overcast clouds - 20°
    Humidity - 64%
  • 08:00
    clear sky - 19°
    Humidity - 66%
  • 09:00
    scattered clouds - 19°
    Humidity - 67%
  • 10:00
    scattered clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 69%
  • 11:00
    scattered clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 70%
  • 12:00
    scattered clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 70%
  • 13:00
    scattered clouds - 20°
    Humidity - 65%
  • 14:00
    overcast clouds - 22°
    Humidity - 58%
  • 15:00
    overcast clouds - 24°
    Humidity - 52%
  • 16:00
    overcast clouds - 26°
    Humidity - 45%
  • 17:00
    overcast clouds - 28°
    Humidity - 39%
  • 18:00
    overcast clouds - 30°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 19:00
    overcast clouds - 31°
    Humidity - 30%
  • 20:00
    overcast clouds - 31°
    Humidity - 30%
  • 21:00
    broken clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 33%
  • 22:00
    broken clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 23:00
    broken clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 36%
  • 00:00
    broken clouds - 30°
    Humidity - 42%
  • 01:00
    overcast clouds - 26°
    Humidity - 54%
  • 02:00
    overcast clouds - 25°
    Humidity - 62%

What is it?

The reproductive structure of the grass plant containing young plant (embryo), food and protective coat. Developed from the ovule after fertilisation.

Where to start?

From lawn and landscaping seed to seed suitable for horse paddocks there is a vast array of different grass seed mixtures to choose from so how do we know what to choose for winter sports pitches? In selecting a suitable grass seed mixture for football pitches we need to think about what the desirable characteristics would be for our given sports pitch. These will likely include.... wear tolerance and quick recovery, fast germination and establishment, good shoot density, sufficient tolerance to temperature and weather extremes, fineness of leaf, attractive turf colour, ability to grow in a variety of soil types, shade tolerance, disease tolerance.


April and September are the best months for sowing, but can be sown throughout the growing season. Of course the availability of irrigation and/or good luck with helpful weather will be even more important during the drier summer months.

Effects of incorrect procedure:

No germination, seed rotting and no plant roots to hold the surface together.

Equipment selection:

Hand held tools and spreading for localised repairs such as goal mouths, pedestrian and tractor mounted seeders for larger areas.

Practical tips:

Perennial ryegrass is the number 1 used grass seed species for winter sports turf in the UK, many seed mixes will be 100% Perennial ryegrass. It is wear tolerant, quick to establish, is resistant to many turf diseases and has an attractive dark green colour. It can also be grown in a variety of soil types.