Today it is clear sky in Columbus

7 Day Forecast In Columbus

  • 07:00
    clear sky - 16°
    Humidity - 80%
  • 08:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 83%
  • 09:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 81%
  • 10:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 79%
  • 11:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 78%
  • 12:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 75%
  • 13:00
    clear sky - 17°
    Humidity - 66%
  • 14:00
    clear sky - 20°
    Humidity - 57%
  • 15:00
    few clouds - 22°
    Humidity - 50%
  • 16:00
    clear sky - 25°
    Humidity - 43%
  • 17:00
    clear sky - 27°
    Humidity - 39%
  • 18:00
    clear sky - 28°
    Humidity - 35%
  • 19:00
    clear sky - 28°
    Humidity - 33%
  • 20:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 33%
  • 21:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 33%
  • 22:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 33%
  • 23:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 35%
  • 00:00
    clear sky - 28°
    Humidity - 39%
  • 01:00
    few clouds - 25°
    Humidity - 49%
  • 02:00
    overcast clouds - 23°
    Humidity - 52%
  • 03:00
    overcast clouds - 23°
    Humidity - 54%
  • 04:00
    overcast clouds - 22°
    Humidity - 58%
  • 05:00
    overcast clouds - 21°
    Humidity - 61%
  • 06:00
    overcast clouds - 20°
    Humidity - 63%
  • 07:00
    broken clouds - 20°
    Humidity - 66%
  • 08:00
    scattered clouds - 19°
    Humidity - 68%
  • 09:00
    scattered clouds - 19°
    Humidity - 69%
  • 10:00
    broken clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 71%
  • 11:00
    scattered clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 72%
  • 12:00
    broken clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 73%
  • 13:00
    broken clouds - 20°
    Humidity - 66%
  • 14:00
    broken clouds - 22°
    Humidity - 56%
  • 15:00
    broken clouds - 25°
    Humidity - 49%
  • 16:00
    scattered clouds - 27°
    Humidity - 42%
  • 17:00
    scattered clouds - 29°
    Humidity - 36%
  • 18:00
    scattered clouds - 30°
    Humidity - 32%
  • 19:00
    scattered clouds - 31°
    Humidity - 30%
  • 20:00
    overcast clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 30%
  • 21:00
    broken clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 31%
  • 22:00
    overcast clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 33%
  • 23:00
    overcast clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 35%
  • 00:00
    overcast clouds - 31°
    Humidity - 39%
  • 01:00
    overcast clouds - 28°
    Humidity - 49%
  • 02:00
    overcast clouds - 26°
    Humidity - 56%
  • 03:00
    overcast clouds - 25°
    Humidity - 64%
  • 04:00
    overcast clouds - 25°
    Humidity - 69%
  • 05:00
    light rain - 22°
    Humidity - 85%
  • 06:00
    light rain - 22°
    Humidity - 92%

Latest Videos

  • Health and Safety Introduction (Cricket)
  • Working Around Others
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Cricket Health and Safety

Welcome to the GMA’s Health and Safety section for grounds management in cricket. Clearly the health and safety of you, your colleagues and others is important, no one wants to get hurt while at work or play. As ground staff, both paid and volunteers, you may on a daily basis be undertaking hazardous tasks and most certainly be using hazardous machinery, chemicals, and equipment. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, tells us we have a duty to ensure we assessed risks and put suitable controls in place.

The ‘Act’ is supported by a large number of what can be perceived as complicated and wordy regulations. The purpose of this section is to provide you with a simplified yet relevant extract from those regulations, to provide guidance and assistance in developing your H&S plan.

In this section you will find simple ‘how to do’ videos, help pages, templates and check sheets designed to guide you through what can be perceived as a complex undertaking. All being well this section will assist you to understand how best to keep yourself and others safe while undertaking your duties. Only then can you ensure that all engaging in grounds maintenance are working in a safe environment. 

Your journey begins below with ‘getting started’ Â