Today it is clear sky in Columbus

7 Day Forecast In Columbus

  • 03:00
    clear sky - 19°
    Humidity - 67%
  • 04:00
    clear sky - 18°
    Humidity - 69%
  • 05:00
    clear sky - 18°
    Humidity - 70%
  • 06:00
    clear sky - 18°
    Humidity - 71%
  • 07:00
    clear sky - 17°
    Humidity - 72%
  • 08:00
    clear sky - 17°
    Humidity - 73%
  • 09:00
    clear sky - 16°
    Humidity - 74%
  • 10:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 75%
  • 11:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 76%
  • 12:00
    clear sky - 15°
    Humidity - 75%
  • 13:00
    clear sky - 17°
    Humidity - 68%
  • 14:00
    clear sky - 20°
    Humidity - 59%
  • 15:00
    clear sky - 22°
    Humidity - 51%
  • 16:00
    clear sky - 25°
    Humidity - 45%
  • 17:00
    clear sky - 27°
    Humidity - 40%
  • 18:00
    clear sky - 28°
    Humidity - 36%
  • 19:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 20:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 32%
  • 21:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 32%
  • 22:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 32%
  • 23:00
    clear sky - 29°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 00:00
    clear sky - 28°
    Humidity - 38%
  • 01:00
    clear sky - 26°
    Humidity - 50%
  • 02:00
    overcast clouds - 24°
    Humidity - 53%
  • 03:00
    overcast clouds - 23°
    Humidity - 55%
  • 04:00
    overcast clouds - 22°
    Humidity - 58%
  • 05:00
    overcast clouds - 21°
    Humidity - 60%
  • 06:00
    overcast clouds - 21°
    Humidity - 62%
  • 07:00
    overcast clouds - 20°
    Humidity - 64%
  • 08:00
    clear sky - 19°
    Humidity - 66%
  • 09:00
    scattered clouds - 19°
    Humidity - 67%
  • 10:00
    scattered clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 69%
  • 11:00
    scattered clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 70%
  • 12:00
    scattered clouds - 18°
    Humidity - 70%
  • 13:00
    scattered clouds - 20°
    Humidity - 65%
  • 14:00
    overcast clouds - 22°
    Humidity - 58%
  • 15:00
    overcast clouds - 24°
    Humidity - 52%
  • 16:00
    overcast clouds - 26°
    Humidity - 45%
  • 17:00
    overcast clouds - 28°
    Humidity - 39%
  • 18:00
    overcast clouds - 30°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 19:00
    overcast clouds - 31°
    Humidity - 30%
  • 20:00
    overcast clouds - 31°
    Humidity - 30%
  • 21:00
    broken clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 33%
  • 22:00
    broken clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 34%
  • 23:00
    broken clouds - 32°
    Humidity - 36%
  • 00:00
    broken clouds - 30°
    Humidity - 42%
  • 01:00
    overcast clouds - 26°
    Humidity - 54%
  • 02:00
    overcast clouds - 25°
    Humidity - 62%

Setting pitch up for season


To ensure that playing surfaces conform to criteria set out by the FA.


  • Check Pitch Orientation

  • Check Pitch Dimensions

  • Check Condition of posts, nets & flags.

  • Check General condition of pitch.

  • Check Condition of line marker.

  • Check Availability of line marking compound.

  • Check the presence and viability of basic equipment.

  • Mark out pitch.



 Effects of incorrect procedure

  • Loss of play due to incorrect markings

  • Loss of revenue

  • Delay to start of match to allow remedial action.

  • Match postponed by officials.

  • Player injury

  • Poor playability

  • Reputational damage to club and volunteer groundsman 


  • Visual assessment

  • Measuring tape & pegs.

  • Line marker.


Practical Tips

  • Check on any changes to the pitch dimensions set out by the FA or local league.

  • Recommended pitch orientation is between 285o and 20o.

  • Check the SE list for basic equipment requirements for clubs.

  • For marking pitch, check with groundsman and assist where possible.

  • Check the basic principles of line marking shown in Module GM 7.


  • URL – FA pitch information.

  • Images of pre-season pitches.