To reduce costs and the storage of many machines for cricket clubs by having one power unit that does many tasks on the cricket ground.
How it’s used
A mower with interchangeable cassette mower giving options to fit multiple heads including scarifiers, verticutters, brushes, spikers and slitters as well as 5 or 9 blade cutter cassettes.
Timing of use
When conditions are correct for each operation selected.
Effects of incorrect procedure
As with the separate Operations. Look at: Mowing; Scarification; Verti-cutting; Brushing and Aeration (Spiking).
Equipment needed
A power frame with a petrol engine from 4hp to 5.5hp and a width from 430mm to 610mm with interchangeable cassettes.
Practical Tips
A good system for recreational cricket but sometimes a more powerful machine is needed for particular operations.