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Equipment Storage Aim:Equipment used on pitches is expensive and not easy to replace. It needs to be stored securely.
Material Storage Aim:Many materials such as fertiliser, grass seed and loam need to be k
Mowing Aim:To cut grass plant leaves to reduce the height of a grass coverage.Method:Four main mechanical actions: -
Mowing the Pitch Aim:To maintain the height of grass and allow the ball to travel at speed.
Cylinder Mowers Aim:Also called Reel mowers. Aim is to cut grass cleanly and at a low height of cut.
Rotary Mowers Aim:A mower used for cutting longer and rougher grass and removing seed heads.
Flail Mowers Aim:This type of mower is best used to provide a rough cut to taller grass where contact with loose debris may be possible such as roadsides.
Machinery Aim:Maintain equipment and record machinery maintenance.
