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What is a Toolbox Talk and why should I use one?

A ‘toolbox talk’ is a short presentation to the workforce on a single aspect of health and safety.

Toolbox talks allow you and your workers to explore the risks of specific health and safety issues within your organisation and think about ways to deal with them. Toolbox talks should focus on a single topic and for greatest impact are ideally held immediately prior to undertaking the specific task.


  • A Toolbox talk should be to the point and is suggested to take no longer than 15 minutes.
  • It should be centred on one specific and work-related topic.
  • It should be delivered in an informal and relaxed manner – consider delivering at the place of work. Not in a classroom, there are no exams.
  • By using the workplace as your classroom, you can bring things to life, the hazards are real and present.
  • Do not try to conduct too many TBTs in one day. It will lose its impact.
  • Timing – deliver prior to the start of the day’s work or immediately before a relevant task.

How to use the toolbox talks provided.

  • The TBTs provided are intended as a guide, for you to use and to embellish upon as you feel suitable.
  • Relate the talk to the current tasks, use examples, relate to a specific instance to make it real.
  • The TBTs provided are broken up into sections, designed for a pause to ask one or two questions to confirm understanding then move on.
  • Your TBT should cover information that is mostly already known and should confirm or refresh current knowledge and perhaps identify gaps in knowledge.
  • Be prepared for questions/feedback, if you do not know the answer do not bluff, step away, conduct some research and get back to them.
  • If you wish to record the TBT print a sign-off sheet on the reverse side of the TBT. This can be placed in your file for your records.

What do toolbox talks hope to achieve?

By giving regular toolbox talks, the aim is to create a positive health and safety culture. Starting or punctuating each day with a short health and safety reminder on a relevant subject is a great way to keep health and safety at the front of the mind. This is likely to foster best practice, and in turn, reduced accident rates and ill health.

This means reduced costs, increased productivity and helps towards creating a safe working environment, and a healthy and happy workforce.

Finally: If I told you one thing, the chances are you will have remembered it at the end of the day. If I told you twenty things the chances, are you would have forgotten most by the end of the day. Use the Toolbox Talk to your advantage.