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Mowing Actions - Flail Aim:This type of mower is best used to provide a rough cut to taller grass where contact with loose debris may be possible such as roadsides.
Mowing Actions - Strimmers Aim:To cut long grass around trees, fence lines and other objects.
Irrigation Aim: To maintain grass plant health and structure.
Trulute Aim:To level a surface by working in loose material into the grass surface.
Sowing Grass Seed Aim:To establish new grass plant to help hold pitches together.To improve wear
Sowing Grass Seed Aim:To establish new grass plant to help hold pitches together.To improve wear
Aeration Aim:An operation to improve the physical state of the soil by increasing air content, root growth and helps incorporate
Flags & Post Pads Aim:Flags used to identify important lines on a pitch.Post Pads are to protect players from damage in collisions with posts and other obje
Equipment Maintenance & Repair Aim:Regular maintenance help keep equipment working to it best and most efficiently.
Pest & Disease Control Aim:Creating the correct conditions for growing grass will reduce the effect of pest and diseases.
